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Class Projects


Members of the Class of 2026 will have an introductory Outreach experience with members of their Advisory at an age-appropriate Outreach Partner followed by lunch and a visit to the Holy Name of Jesus Cathedral. Their day of service would conclude with the chance to process their experience and learn how their day supports how we live out the Gibbons mission of forming young men and women of faith, service and leadership.


Members of the Class of 2025 will address the issue of Food Insecurity with members of their Advisory, serving during the school day at either Catholic Parish Outreach, the North Carolina Food Bank or InterFaith Food Shuttle followed by a lunch experience at A Place at the Table. 


Members of the Class of 2024 will work with their Advisor/Advisory in selecting, planning and creating an Outreach project that they will carry out (during school, after school, evening or weekend) with the support of the Outreach Office. 

The social issue they want to address, the group they want to serve and the time frame in which their Outreach project will be carried out will be determined and planned by the students and advisors with support from the Outreach Office.


Members of the Class of 2023 will accompany their Advisor for a day of service at Habitat for Humanity.

Each Senior Advisory (12-15 students) will be assigned at the beginning of the year the date in which they will serve at Habitat for Humanity.

This day of service will introduce students to the issue of Affordable Housing and ways in which Habitat of Wake County is addressing this issue on a local and global level.