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Advanced Latin

The Advanced Latin Dual Credit Course focuses on reading excerpts from authentic and modified (i.e. tiered) Latin texts from a variety of silver and golden age authors. In the Fall Semester, we focus on prose, and on poetry in the Spring.  Each quarter, students read two authors, spending about four weeks (10 class meetings) on each author. Prose selections in the fall may include selected works of Pliny the Younger, Cicero, Seneca, Apuleius. Poetry selections in the spring may include selections from Ovid, Catullus, Vergil, and Martial. 

*Advanced Latin is a dual credit course; all grades will be weighted on the AP scale. Students in this course have the option to enroll in the Dual Credit program with Marymount University, at an additional cost, to receive college credit for Latin 1 and 2 (6 total credits). However, students are not required to enroll in the Dual Credit program to take this class and will still earn GPA points per the AP weighted scale.