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Yearbook Honors

Yearbook Honors is a production class focusing on learning and developing the skills necessary for the creation and publication of The Landmark yearbook. Yearbook students collaborate with each other and other media students to cover all of the memorable Gibbons events throughout the year. Yearbook students also create and develop a unique yearbook theme, culminating in the publication of the yearbook each year. Skill areas emphasized are: interviewing, newswriting, yearbook design, using Yearbook Avenue, digital photography and photojournalism, and using school-provided DSLR cameras. Students will practice these skills by covering school events such as athletic games, arts performances, all-school Masses, etc. Students may take this course in consecutive years, and students in their second and third years will be assigned leadership roles, such as Editor-in-Chief, Managing Editor, Layout Editor and Section Editor, and together will provide editorial control and direction for The Landmark. This course is designed for the serious and dedicated student and will require significant non-class time for maximum success.