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Cardinal Gibbons offers a robust college preparatory program of studies with over 170 courses in 11 departments. Students take an average of 7 credits per year, which come from both semester and year-long classes. Gibbons also offers 25 Advanced Placement courses.


Core Courses

Elective Courses

Course of Studies & Pathways

Gibbons Virtual Online Electives

Cardinal Gibbons partners with Catholic Virtual, fully accredited online private school, to offer more than 50 online electives. 


Dual Credit Program 

We partner with Marymount University to offer seniors the opportunity to earn college credit.

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Helpful Information

Graduation Requirements

Students are required to complete 24 credits; a credit is defined as a yearlong course.

  • 4 credits in Theology (one credit for each year in attendance)
  • 4 credits in English
  • 4 credits in Mathematics (one credit must be above Math III)
  • 3 credits in Science (one must be in Biology; one must be a Physical Science: Chemistry or Physical Science)
  • 3 credits in Social Studies (World History, U.S. History, U.S. Government, and Economics are all required)
  • 2 credits in the same world language
  • 1 credit in Fine Arts
  • 1 credit in Gibbons Freshman Seminar
  • 0.5 credit in Physical Education
  • 0.5 credit in Health (awarded upon the completion of Gibbons Freshman Seminar)

Cardinal Gibbons’ graduation requirements exceed the minimum undergraduate admissions requirements at all 16 constituent institutions of the University of North Carolina. 

Please note: Individual constituent institutions or a specific area of study may require other courses in addition to the minimum requirements and, therefore, prospective students should refer to the catalogs and contact the admissions offices of any institutions to which they plan to apply. In determining the admissibility of each applicant, constituent institutions also consider factors other than courses completed, such as high school grades, scores on college entrance examinations, recommendations, and student activities.