Gibbons Drama Role Acceptance Form: Shrek


Role Acceptance Form:

shrek temp

Congratulations and welcome to the company of Gibbon's Drama's production of Shrek, the Musical.

Please confirm acceptance of the role you have been offered by completing the form below. This important information allows us to plan and organize our production process in an efficient and organized manner.

First Name
Last Name
Please enter your cell phone area code and number​ using this format: 919-555-1234.​
Please enter your Gibbons school email address. ​
Please enter the FULL name of the role or production team position you are accepting. ​​​​​
Grade LevelrequiredPlease select your current grade level.
Please select your current grade level.
Parent Namerequired
First Name
Last Name
For emergencies only.
This email will be used to share production, early ticket sales and cast dinner information.


In the conflicts box below, please share again all potential rehearsal conflicts between January 8 through March 7.  

These conflicts should match the conflicts you shared on your audition form--any updates or changes must be approved by Ferg.

Please be specific about all actual conflict dates and times. 

Failure to be honest and accurate with your conflicts may result in termination of your involvement with the production.

If you have no conflicts, please enter: NO CONFLICTS. ​​​


By checking YES in the area below, I signify the following:

  • Acceptance of the role or production team assignment offered in Shrek, The Musical.
  • I have listed all potential attendance conflicts for the duration of the rehearsal period.  
  • I understand that I am required to attend all scheduled rehearsals outside of these conflicts and that failure to do so may result in the termination of my involvement with the production.
  • I acknowledge having communicated with my parents my intention to participate in this Gibbons Drama co-curricular production and have made them aware of all my responsibilities in this regard.
Ensemble Agreementrequired