Ministry Partners

Franciscan Youth International

The Franciscan Youth International group seeks to assist those in need within our school community and in our larger State, Nation and International communities. We will serve and lead our members to assist the hungry (Can Food Drives, Crop Walk, serving at Catholic Parish Outreach, etc.), the unborn (March For Life & Right To Life demonstrations), the sick (Diabetes Walk, serving dinners at the Chapel Hill Ronald McDonald House etc.) and the least among us. Please join us as we seek to live out the Gospel life and put into practice the Catholic Church's social justice teachings!


Mark DeLaRosa

Mark DeLaRosa

Catholic Middle School Partners

Cardinal Gibbons values the relationship we have with our partner middle schools. Each year alumni from these schools who are now Gibbons students go back and speak with 7th graders about Gibbons and some things they can expect to experience once they get to high school.

In addition, current Gibbons parents serve as ambassadors to our partner middle schools to ensure that both schools are aware of each other's events and student accomplishments and to find out how we can be of mutual support to one another.

Pallbearer Society

The Cardinal Gibbons Pallbearer Society was established in 2010. The mission of the society is:

  • To practice the Corporal Works of Mercy by offering Pall Bearer Services free of charge to those in need, especially the poor and elderly.
  • To practice the Spiritual Works of Mercy by praying for the repose of the souls of the dead.
  • To affirm the value and the dignity of human life.
  • To represent the community at a person’s funeral.

The Pallbearer Society is an apostolate of respect and care. Students learn to offer sympathy and support to others and offer hope in the face of death. The Society gives young people opportunities to be leaders in the service of others. Cardinal Gibbons partners with local funeral directors to identify situations where our services may be needed. Parent volunteers accompany a group of six students to each funeral.