Cardinal Gibbons High School solely uses FinalForms online management of medical history and physicals to protect student privacy, compliance for athlete eligibilty, and provide our coaches and training staff with up-to-date medical information. Parents self-manage their account, download forms, upload new physicals, and update information (i.e. insurance) as it changes. All student-athletes must register in the appropriate place (and renew in July for each school year), per Athletic Department instructions.
A current physical (less than one-year-old) must be uploaded to the appropriate place and approved by the Cardinal Gibbons Athletic Staff prior to the first day of tryouts. Under no circumstances shall a student try out for a team without a current physical on file in FinalForms and “cleared” which will show in all green. When a student-athlete physical nears expiration you will receive a notification from the Athletic Staff to renew.
- Complete and upload all forms. A physical examination form – less than one-year-old is required by NCHSAA.
- Keep all uniforms and equipment issued to him/her in good condition. Return all such items at the end of the season or pay for missing items.
- Inform parents of practice, game and transportation schedules and any changes in these schedules.
- Maintain the required academic, disciplinary and attendance standards of eligibility.
- Inform parents of estimated time of arrival home from away games.
- Maintain high standards of sportsmanlike conduct
Students are expected to pay for shoes, socks, and any incidentals as well as lodging and meals at all away games.