Fire Drill
Regular fire safety drills are conducted to ensure the safety of educators, students, and guests on campus.
- Directions for exiting the building are posted in every classroom, and students are expected to familiarize themselves with these instructions.
- There must be complete silence during a fire drill.
- Students should close windows/doors and turn off the lights when leaving the classroom.
- Students must remain in a single-file line and stay close to the educator responsible for their presence, as an outside attendance check will be conducted.
- At the end of the drill, a signal will be given for all students to return to the classroom in complete silence.
- Misconduct during a fire drill is subject to disciplinary action.
Lockdown Drill
If there is a need to lock down the school for safety reasons, it is to be taken seriously by everyone on campus.
- Directions for a school lockdown are posted in every classroom, theater, cafeteria, media center, and gymnasium.
- Instructions will be conveyed to classrooms via intercom and/or individual educators, depending on the situation and equipment capability.
- Classroom educators are to move students away from all windows and doors.
- Classroom educators should place the green strip of paper (provided in advance) in an exterior classroom window to indicate a safe classroom without an intruder.
- Educators must ensure that any and all students or adults outside are brought into a locked interior area.
- Special instructions for the gymnasium, cafeteria, media center, theater, and chapel will apply.
Severe Weather Drill
Safety in severe weather is very important and should be taken seriously by everyone on campus. To ensure a safe procedure for evacuation in extreme weather, drills will be conducted as often as deemed necessary.
- Directions for relocation are posted in every classroom, theater, cafeteria, media center, and gymnasium. Students are expected to familiarize themselves with these instructions.
- There must be complete silence during a severe weather drill.
- An educator will take students to the relocation area if relocation is necessary.
- Students should sit in a curled position with their arms covering their heads.
- At the end of the drill, a signal will be given for all students to return to the classroom in complete silence.
- Misconduct during a severe weather drill is subject to disciplinary action.