Governance for email, instant messaging, social networking, and internet usage on the Cardinal Gibbons High School network and school-issued laptop.
The Gibbons 1:1 laptop program aims to connect with our students and provide outstanding formation, which includes the acquisition of skills necessary for their future. By abiding by a responsible use policy, we ensure students uphold the mission of our school through digital citizenship online and offline. Students will face disciplinary action for any technology-related choices they make that are not in line with the mission and vision of the School.
Section One: Responsible Use of Technology
The Gibbons Responsible Use Policy applies to all technology resources. The policy outlines guidelines and behaviors for using school technology or personally-owned devices while on the school campus. This policy extends to school devices when used off-campus. This policy is inclusive of school accounts on all devices. Gibbons students are expected to use technology in a considerate, ethical, moral, and legal manner.
As a member of the Gibbons community, all students and educators are provided with a school email account. This account will be used in a professional and responsible manner that supports the Academic Philosophy and mission of the school.
All email communications are official institutional records and are maintained as such.
Data created and stored on Gibbons systems is school property and should have a legitimate academic or business purpose.
Students are not permitted to use school or personal accounts to speak on the school’s behalf without authorization from the school administration.
Gibbons reserves the right to monitor, inspect, access, retrieve, delete and/or disclose any content created, transmitted, received, stored, or accessed using a Gibbons-issued account, for any reason and without the knowledge or permission of the community member. In certain situations, Gibbons may be legally compelled to access and disclose information created, transmitted, received, or stored in any Gibbons system.
The school monitoring of its systems includes, but is not limited to, accessing, recording, disclosing, inspecting, reviewing, retrieving, and printing communications, logins, and other uses of the Systems, as well as keystroke capturing and/or other network sniffing technologies. The reasons for which the school will obtain such access include, but are not limited to: maintaining the Systems; preventing or investigating allegations of abuse or misuse of the Systems; ensuring compliance with software copyright laws; monitoring and ensuring workflow and productivity; complying with legal and regulatory requests for information; and, ensuring that the school operations continue appropriately during a community member’s absence or unavailability.
Because the school monitors these Systems, community members should have no expectation of privacy as it relates to any data or communication created with, transmitted by, or stored. All community members agree to release Gibbons from any claim for the protection of personal privacy rights when utilizing Gibbons Systems.
The school’s software systems are the property of Gibbons and have been provided for use in conducting school business. All communication and information created, transmitted, received, stored, or accessed using this system are considered the property of Gibbons.
The deletion of any email messages or files may not entirely eliminate the messages from the system. Even when a message is deleted, it may still be possible to retrieve, read, and disclose.
Cyberbullying is not tolerated. Examples of cyberbullying are, but not limited to, harassing, dissing, flaming, denigrating, impersonating, outing, tricking, excluding, and cyberstalking. Do not send emails or post comments with the intent of scaring, hurting, or intimidating someone else. Engaging in these behaviors, or any online activities intended to harm (physically or emotionally) another person, will result in severe disciplinary action. In some cases, cyberbullying can be a crime.
Internet Access
Cardinal Gibbons provides its users with access to the Internet, including websites, resources, content, and online tools. That access will be restricted in compliance with school policies. Web browsing may be monitored and web activity records may be retained indefinitely. Users are expected to respect that the web filter is a safety precaution, and should not try to circumvent it when browsing the web. If a site is blocked and a user believes it shouldn’t be, the user should follow protocol to alert an IT staff member or submit the site for review. Internet traffic priority is designated for educational resources (i.e. learning management systems, online textbooks, and websites).
Prohibited Uses
These limitations on the use of Gibbons hardware and software systems promote a productive and non-threatening work environment, enforce school policies, maintain Gibbons’ professional reputation, and protect the school from potential liability.
Hacking & Circumvention of Security Measure
Gibbons maintains content filters, monitoring capabilities, and other security measures on its devices and network. Hacking or circumventing these security measures is a serious conduct violation that will result in disciplinary action. Further, researching information about hacking or defeating security measures, or sharing such information with other students will lead to consequences.
Illegal Content
Community members may not use the Gibbons systems for unlawful or illegal purposes. Gibbons reserves the right to monitor, investigate, terminate, and report to the appropriate authorities any potentially unlawful or illegal use of the school systems including, without limitation, the creation, transmission, receipt, storing, or viewing of pornographic materials. All community members of Gibbons must report any suspected unlawful or illegal use of Gibbons systems to the Deans of Students.
Community members may not use the Gibbons systems for the unauthorized transmission or storage of copyrighted materials in violation of copyright law.
Community members may not use Gibbons systems for communication that contain statements or materials that are defamatory, false, inaccurate, obscene, abusive, profane, sexually-oriented, threatening, offensive, or discriminatory by reason of race, gender, age, disability, religion, national origin, sexual orientation.
Downloads & Installations
A Gibbons laptop is provided to enhance the educational experience for all students. Students may not download/install software that impedes learning goals and functionality of the device. Additionally, students who download software intended to circumvent the security controls will receive disciplinary consequences that may include loss of installation privileges.
School Issued Laptop
Care should be taken to ensure a laptop is not put in a situation with an increased risk of theft or damage. Students should report computer problems or issues to the IT department immediately. Students are responsible for charging and maintaining sufficient battery power for daily school use. Power cords should be kept easily accessible. As part of our shared stewardship 1:1 laptop program, Gibbons provides a warranty for all defective parts on the school laptop. The school also maintains an insurance policy for accidental user-induced damage that may occur throughout a student's tenure at Gibbons. Families are responsible for the lesser cost of the damaged part up to the insurance deductible of $250.
Section Two: Use of Instructional Technology Platforms
As a member of the Gibbons learning community, students will receive access to specific software licenses and websites that are determined to best align with the Academic Philosophy of Gibbons.
Data Protection and Security
The Gibbons academic team thoroughly reviews and assesses the resources for instruction. There are processes in place to ensure student’s safety and well-being while using technology and digital resources. These assessments ensure resources are developmentally appropriate and incorporate reasonable safeguards to protect students’ privacy. Gibbons undergoes this process to maintain compliance with federal legislation pertaining to children’s privacy, including the Children’s Internet Protection Act (“CIPA”). Gibbons requires the annual acceptance of the Responsible Use Policy.
Educational Software
The Gibbons software library is accessible via the Classlink Launchpad for web-based software and the company portal for software requiring installation. Every effort is made to provide a consistent login experience.
Approved platforms
Section Three: Academic Integrity
Cheating, or the use of unauthorized assistance, on academic assignments which includes but is not limited to tests, classwork, homework, essays, and group projects, is a violation of Cardinal Gibbons High School Mission Statement.
Plagiarism, or the representation of another’s work as one’s own without proper attribution in an academic context, will not be tolerated. Students who share their work with other students, who use it as their own original work, are considered accomplices to plagiarism.
Students who utilize Cardinal Gibbons technology to cheat or plagiarize, including the facilitation of another student's academic dishonesty, or the useful of artificial intelligence (A.I.), will be subject to disciplinary and academic penalties. These actions will be considered a violation of the Cardinal Gibbons Academic Integrity Policy and Responsible Use Policy.
Section Four: Liability and Consequences
Limitation of Liability
Gibbons is not responsible for damage or harm to persons, files, data, or hardware. While Gibbons employs filtering and other safety and security mechanisms and strives to ensure their proper function, it does not guarantee their effectiveness. Gibbons is not responsible, financially or otherwise, for unauthorized transactions conducted over the school network.
Access to technology in school gives students and educators greater opportunities to learn, engage, communicate, and develop skills that will prepare them for work, life, and citizenship. Cardinal Gibbons is committed to helping students develop 21st-century technology and communication skills.
Violations of the Responsible Use Policy
Violations of this policy may result in the following disciplinary action:
- Notification to parents/guardians
- Denial of privileges, probation, detention, suspension, or expulsion (please see the Parent Student Handbook for more information)
- Legal action and/or prosecution
Statement of Transparency of Policy and Revision
Any major revisions or additions to this policy will be communicated to the community with a highlight of said additions or changes simultaneous to the changes going into effect.
This document was last edited on February 2, 2023.