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Academic Integrity

The Academic Philosophy states:

A Cardinal Gibbons education inspires students to learn with purpose. Here, students: 

  • Discover and pursue their God-given vocations in a caring Catholic environment
  • Grow as creative, discerning, and collaborative agents of their own learning
  • Develop as conscientious members of a global Catholic community

Academic Dishonesty Policy

Academic dishonesty occurs when a student obtains or assists another in obtaining credit for work, which is not his/her own. Gibbons’ policies and procedures concerning academic dishonesty are intended to encourage academic integrity. Administrators, educators, students, and parents share the responsibility for promoting an atmosphere in which personal integrity and accountability are valued.

Examples of academic dishonesty include, but are not limited to:

  1. Use or possession of unauthorized notes, cheat sheets, marked hands and clothing;
  2. Improper use of devices such as laptops, cell phones, calculators, Apple or other smart watches;
  3. Plagiarism, unauthorized copying, improper citation, failure to cite sources and use of online translation sources;
  4. Improper use of online translators or applications;
  5. Copying material from another student or other source;
  6. Allowing another student to copy from one’s own work;
  7. Failure to comply with rules and instructions regarding testing and assignments;
  8. Communicating with another student during an exam or quiz;
  9. Submitting falsified information for grading purposes;
  10. Obtaining a copy of and/or information about an exam or quiz without the knowledge and consent of the educator;
  11. Removing or copying exams or quizzes from the classroom without the knowledge and consent of the educator; 
  12. Actions that earn credit for work which is not one’s own;
  13. Activity or circumstances, which give a student an unfair advantage, compared to other students doing the same assignment.
  14. Activity involving inappropriate use of or modification of any digital tools used for assessment or recording grades.

When a student is suspected of violating the academic integrity policy. A referral for academic dishonesty will be completed by the educator and filed with the Dean of Students. A copy of this referral will also be given to the educator’s Department Chair, the student’s advisor, and the Assistant Head of School for Academics. The Dean of Students will conduct an investigation to determine whether the policy concerning academic dishonesty has been violated. The Dean of Students’ and Assistant Head of School for Academics’ determination is final.

Academic Dishonesty Disciplinary Action
Minor (cheating on classwork, homework, minor grades, minor plagiarism):

  • 1st Offense: Parent contacted by educator, meeting with Dean of Students and student(s) involved
  • 2nd Offense: Meeting with Dean of Students/ Parents/ Assistant Head of School for Academics and Academic Integrity Suspension* which may include suspension from the academic day and/or co-curriculars for a period of time.
  • 3rd Offense: Administrative hearing which could result in dismissal

Major (cheating on major test, semester exams, major plagiarism):

  • 1st Offense: Meeting with parents/ Dean of Students/ Assistant Head of School for Academics and may include Academic Integrity Suspension
  • 2nd Offense: Administrative hearing which could result in dismissal 

Students will be allowed to complete an alternate assignment assigned by the educator with guidance from Assistant Head of School for Academics. Educators are not required to give the same type of assessment. Due to the complexity of creating additional assessments, the educator may need to alter the type of assessment he or she creates to ensure fairness and integrity of the assignment. Failure to complete the alternate assignment will result in a zero (0) for that assignment.

Disciplinary actions for academic dishonesty will be recorded cumulatively over the student’s high school career. Violations do not “start over” each academic year.

Academic Integrity Suspension 

Students placed on academic integrity suspension due to violation of the academic integrity policy may be, but not limited to, removed from class, suspended from co-curriculars including athletic and fine arts, and/or loss of other privileges while the student is on suspension. Students committing academic dishonesty while on academic integrity suspension will be subject to an administrative hearing which could result in dismissal. The duration of suspension will be determined by the Deans of Students and Assistant Head of School for Academics upon completion of meeting with student and family and completion of the restorative action. 

Affected educators will be notified as to the result of any academic integrity meeting. Additionally, co-curricular moderators, directors, or coaches will be notified via email about academic integrity suspension. Affected educators, coaches and moderators are aware that academic integrity violations are confidential and cannot be shared publicly in any scenario.